Is Your Time Cheap? If Not Then Stop Saying “​ Time Is Money “​

Avinash Rajput
4 min readMay 9, 2022

If Time is Money then I owe a substantial amount to all those people whom I wasted my time on and who were never worth it ( Guys you owe me tons)”


The above was the math based on the theory that “ Time is Money “. If I would have believed in this theory then I probably would have made millions out of people on whom I wasted my precious time, then invested some of the amounts for my old self, later get retired, and moved to Paris. ( One of My fantasies)

Wake up, Avi!

None of it is True or Real.

My time is not money, it never was and neither is yours ( Iam sorry to be rude)

I want you to stop calling that time is money as that is the cheapest comparison you will ever notice in the history o time (Irony)

People who think time is money are never going to learn how to use it as they are even confused about the nature of time.

How can you possibly call your time your money?

Listen to this, if you lose money there are 100% chances you are going to get it back


Once time is gone it’s gone, can you get it back? No

So stop giving your time to such adjectives.

Going back to the time when the time was first referred to as money

Okay, before I go further with my problem with time being referred to as money. I feel I should share some facts here. Do you know the phrase “ time is money “originated from? I will tell you.

Benjamin franklin( who needs no introduction) the founding father of unites states has first used this expression in his book “ the American instructor “ in which he precisely said “ remember time is money “

Although what he meant was time should be valued just as you value money or more but most of us have misunderstood the entire reasoning here.

Stop thinking of your time as your money, it is ridiculous.

Stop valuing your time so cheaply

How can you shift from being time-obsessed to time conscious

Time is all we have, time is precious.

Ancient philosophers were driven by time management. They aimed for going deep into time management.

However today’s books on Time management are philosophically empty, they are written by a bunch of consultants who think have achieved time efficacy.

But it’s not completely true.

these books are constipated with a bunch of tips that have no logical reasoning behind them. It will only make you obsessed with time.

You have to become aware of your time. Do you need to ask yourself “ Is this the right way to get control of my day “? Will this freaky management going to add value to my life? Do I need to spend time on this or that? If I don’t have to then what will be the outcome? If no outcome then maybe I don’t need to do it?

Reflex on it and then take a step ahead.

Value your time more than your possessions

The biggest lie you will ever tell yourself is “ I have time “.

Not you, me, and pretty much every human on this planet think they have time. Sadly we don’t.

However French philosophers wanted to build, a robust and defensible philosophical theory of time. They used to say the most important question you should ask yourself is “ Why you should not kill yourself right now “? as death is inevitable then why wait, why not now? Why can’t I kill myself right now?

The answer is simple “ Your Purpose in life “

I know it sounds heavily generic but it’s true. Most of us are just passing each day with no thought given to our purpose. Why are you even here? What do you want to do in life? How will it be a valuable contribution to the society I live in?

It does not have to be “ Elon Musk Fancy “ But it has to be something meaningful that you are doing for yourself or the people who love you.

Don’t try to manage time( YOU CANT) manage your energy

You do have not control over time. it’s going to move the way it does.

But you have all the control over your energy. Put your energy into doing something that is going to add value to your day.

Use your energy in creating something that will build a rock-solid future for you.

Channel your energy in the right direction. One thing at a time. Don’t ever try to do multiple things at once, you will be exhausted like hell.

I did and I created a mess only. But now I do one thing at a time. Here is how I do that.

Every night before going to bed, I write my next day’s task on a piece of paper.

It’s not unique. But having a task at hand the very first moment in the morning gives you a goal for the day.

It makes you committed to that. Also, the satisfaction you get after ticking all that tasks is a treat.

So start doing it. It’s a simple way to be mindful of your time for the next day.

I hope Now you will never say again that “ My time is money “

It’s a poor poor comparison.

“ Time is a created thing, to say I don’t have time is to say I don’t want to “ Lao Tzu

Let me know your thoughts about Time. How do you manage your time in this forever busy world?



Avinash Rajput

Writer, Creator & Story Teller( Soon to Be an author)